Count to 100 One Hundred | 0, 1 – 100 Numbers Written in Sand | Home School Kinder Learning Fun Math

May 2, 2022 8633 Views

Count along from zero to one hundred 0-100 as each number is shown in sand along with the name spoken along with calming ocean waves as the background. Enjoy the count 0, 1 – 100 till the last count for a hooray and the number 100 is washed away by the waves.
Learning to count helper in a fun and hands on way.
Helps to encourage children to count along and use everyday objects and environments to learn. Everywhere can be an outdoor classroom. Learning at home, outside and in school.

Ephemeral Art Stop Motion Numbers written in sand. Sensory maths help.

Early maths learning for kindergarten, preschool, prep, grade 1 maths and grade 2 maths along with the school maths curriculum.
Subscribe for more class, preschool, kindergarten, nursery, early learning, Montessori ideas and homeschool maths, number and english helper videos. Learning through play to strengthen fact, number and letter recall. Also fun for 100 days of school activities and celebrations.

Enjoy and please comment for ideas on further helper videos.

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