Mental Maths Quiz 5x Times Tables Quiz | LEGO numbers Stop Motion | Home School Class Tutor Help

April 18, 2022 584 Views

Stop motion Maths 5 times tables helper.
Test your knowledge of the groups of five with this mathematics quiz style video.
Watch as questions pop up and answer the missing part of the equation. The question mark moves in the space for the missing number in the maths sentence. 5 x ? = 15 and 5 x 6 = ?
Task takes around 2 minutes. Can be used for learning and refreshing times table knowledge in the classroom, home, out and about and when tutoring. Great for primary, elementary school and home school classes.
Use the two minute task as a toothbrush timer video to brush up on times tables while brushing teeth clean too.

Subscribe to Super Ideas Lab for more great ideas for task and meeting timers, toothbrush timers and home learning videos.

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